Interviews Archives - Lax Goalie Rat



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Lax Goalie Rat Online Camp

Full Goalie Education

The only lacrosse goalie training that covers ALL of the areas necessary to be dominant: technical, physical, and mental.

Over 80 Videos Yours For Life

Revisit the drills and mental inspiration every season! Plus new videos added to the camp are yours for free.

Supportive Community

Access to private forums to interact with other goalies, coaches, and Coach Damon on a personal basis.


Reserve your FREE ticket!

4 days of FREE lacrosse goalie coaching session via Zoom! Level up your goalie game with the best in the sport! 

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Learn the technique all the best college and pro goalies are using to make more saves!!

Best part? It works just as well for the youth goalies! Both boys and girls goalies! 

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Free Lacrosse Goalie Virtual Training Event!

Level up your lacrosse goalie game with 4 days (March 31 - April 3) of free virtual coaching sessions via Zoom! 

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11 of My Favorite Lacrosse Goalie Drills

Free guide! Enter your first name and email and I'll send it right away. Incorporate these 11 drills into your goalie game and your saves skyrocket!

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