2022 Year In Review + 2023 Plans | Lax Goalie Rat

2022 Year In Review + 2023 Plans

The end of the year is a time of reflection. And that’s exactly what I’ll be doing in this post.

Reflecting on the year in 2022 and also sharing with you all some of my plans and goals for 2023 when it comes to Lax Goalie Rat.

First Some Gratitude

Before I start I first wanted to express a bit of gratitude.

Gratitude is so important for a lacrosse goalie’s mental game and its a practice I’ve adopted in my life and business in 2022.

I remember during the rehearsal dinner for my wedding, my sister organized this “who knows the other better” game with my finance (now wife) and I.

One of the questions was – what is the other person’s dream job?

Lacrosse goalie coach – she nailed it.

Of course she did, I only told her my dream of being a full time lacrosse goalie coach only ever single day.

Towards the end of 2020, I was able to make that a reality. I went full time with Lax Goalie Rat.

The fact that I wake up each day and focus on how to make lacrosse goalies better is amazing to be me and I’m forever grateful to the lacrosse goalies, goalie Moms/Dads, and coaches who support me via purchasing the training products I offer.

Most of the goalies I help have never given me a dime but write me amazing messages of how I’ve helped their game and I love that so much!

Goalies rule!

Be sure as a goalie you’re incorporating a gratitude practice in your own life. One thing I learned watching sports psychologist Dr. T presentation at the Lacrosse Goalie Summit 8 is this –

When you appreciate your teammates, your coaches, the game – you do better. When you appreciate it, your brain thinks about it differently. Gratitude is correlated to your success!

So now let’s have a look at some of the main accomplishments of 2022!

Tillman Johnson Podcast and The TJ Mini-Camp

Tillman Johnson showed the lacrosse world the true power of the goalie position.

He inspired an entire generation of lacrosse goalies in the 2003 NCAA national championship tournament when he played lights out, making save after save, pumping up his team, winning the national title for Virginia and earning tournament MVP.

Suddenly middies, attackman, and D all wanted to be the goalie.

So many goalies I interviewed for my podcast mention this performance as the reason they wanted to be THE goalie.

He was my white whale of podcast guests for about 2 years.

Every time I’d get close to landing the interview something would happen and the white whale would swim away into the depths of the ocean.

At the beginning of 2022 I tried to land the white whale again:

I didn’t get too excited. I’d been this close before.

But this time we finally made it happen! And it was worth the wait! Checkout the Tillman Johnson podcast here.

Amazing conversation with a legend and I learned that he not only is an elite goalie, Tillman Johnson is also an elite goalie coach.

He trained numerous men and women Division 1 lacrosse goaltenders including PLL pro Nick Marrocco.

I pitched the idea of putting on a mini-camp virtual coaching event to my audience and he loved the idea.

Luckily I caught him in between jobs and he put so much effort into this coaching it was insane!

Here’s what one goalie Dad had to say about the Tillman coaching sessions:

Tillman had a cool to run the event as a fundraiser raising funds for the National MS Society, a cause near and dear to Tillman’s heart as his sister was diagnosed with MS. At the end we wrote them a check for $6750!

Lacrosse goalie coaching for a cause!

You can still get access to the Tillman Johnson mini-camp for just $49 – which is an insane value if you ask me!

3 Lacrosse Goalie Summits

In 2022 I hosted 3 Lacrosse Goalie Summits:

Goalie Summit 6
Goalie Summmit 7
Goalie Summit 8

Goalie Summit 6 in March. Goalie Summit 7 in June. Goalie Summit 8 in December.

I love these events! They’re so much fun getting to interact with all the lacrosse goalies, goalie Moms/Dads, and coaches.

It’s always so cool how the best goalies and goalie coaches in our sport are willing to participate and help coach up the next generation of lacrosse goalies.

During Lacrosse Goalie Summit 8, pro goalie Colin Kirst demoed about 30 different lacrosse goalie drills in his basement and then answered all the young goalie’s questions.

When I was a young goalie learning this position that kind of experience would have been a game changer for me. And I hope it was a game changer for you youth goalies learning the position today!

As the event has grown I’m super grateful for the following sponsors which helped me cover the costs of putting on this event or donated a bunch of goalie gear that I used as giveaways. For the Goalie Summit 8 thanks to these sponsors:

Each time I host these sessions I always walk away learning something new about the lacrosse goalie position!

Excited to continue the Lacrosse Goalie Summits in 2023. I’m always searching for ways to really make this event better for the masses and hope to really upgrade this experience in 2023.

If you have specific coaches or topics you want to see, leave me a comment down below on this post.

Summer Internship Program

During the summer of 2021 I started up an internship program mostly because I needed some help running the Lacrosse Goalie Summit event.

It was amazing and this year I had the goal of growing the internship program into something much larger.

I asked Evan (who was a previous summer intern and now works for me) – how many summer interns do you think we could reasonably take on? His answer was 6. I said, hmmmm how about 20?

20 young lacrosse goalie ranging in age from 12 to 21 worked with me for a 5 week internship over the summer.

I’m very proud of the work these young goalies put in and also the fact that they were able to get some experience learning online business.

Here’s what one intern Mom had to say:

Will definitely be doing the internship program again next summer. Who knows, maybe even a winter group too.

The invitation to apply to the internship program goes out only to the email list so if you’re not on the email list, subscribe here.

A few of the Lax Goalie Rat interns specifically (Devon S., Cole W., Riley O. and Michael A.) stayed on the team and continued to help during the Lacrosse Goalie Summit 8! Huge thanks to them!

College Goalie Training Packs

In 2021 the NCAA allowed their athletes to receive sponsorship deals. So I immediately went out and sponsored 7 college goalies.

It was an incredible experience and like the internship program I wanted to grow this as well.

This year I sponsored 17 goalies. 8 men and 9 women.

  1. Will Mark – Syracuse
  2. Jack Thompson – Denver
  3. Sophia LeRose – Duke
  4. Emily Sterling – Maryland
  5. Hayley Hunt – Lehigh
  6. Kait Devir – USC
  7. Regan Alexander – Ohio St.
  8. Ashley Vernon – Virginia
  9. Matthew Nunes – Virginia
  10. Danny Hincks – Georgetown
  11. Matt Garber – Boston
  12. Chayse Ierlan – Cornell
  13. Sarah Reznick – Florida
  14. Shane Carr – Michigan
  15. Thomas Sullivan – D2 Belmont Abbey
  16. Rachel Hall – Boston College
  17. Kimber Hower – Syracuse

It’s a ton of fun getting to know these college athletes and working closely with them to create some amazing lacrosse goalie coaching content to help the youth goalies thrive.

Checkout the college goalie training packs here – each pack is just $89.

I’m super proud of the training content these college students created. They were incredibly passionate and wonderful coaches.

I also love the fact that this project is a total win-win! The college athletes get to coach something they’re incredibly passionate about and help the next generation of goalies. And your young goalie gets coaching and mentoring from the top goalies in the NCAA. Win-Win!

This year the project did about the same financially as last year. Sounds good but when the pie is divided across 17 goalies (instead of 7) it meant it wasn’t as financially successful as last time. However, I’m still a believer because I know how amazing this training is.

I think during the college season when some of these goalies start lighting it up when can get some opportunities to promote the training packs they created. Or perhaps we can get Quint to mention it on ESPN!

One thing I’ve got to figure out in 2023 is how to expand this project while still making it financially rewarding for the goalies I sponsor.

Live Goalie Clinic in the Bay Area

For those that don’t know, I live abroad in my wife’s hometown of Córdoba, Argentina.

There are many things I love about living in Argentina but one thing I don’t – lack of lacrosse.

Since moving here my business is 100% online and I truly miss training goalies out on the field.

So when I went back to the Bay Area to visit my family in August of this year I decided to put on a live goalie clinic.

9 Bay Area goalies showed up and we had a tremendous event!

I hadn’t coached goalies live in a long time (5 years!) and with any extended absence your mind starts to play tricks on you!

Am I a good coach? Do I still know how to train goalies well? Are they gonna like it? 

Those same doubts creep into goalie’s heads from time to time and learning how to deal with it is why all goalies must train the mental game.

Special thanks to Coach Brian Dayton, Coach Zach Blake and lacrosse goalie Dad Rob Dillon for helping me with logistics and coaching.

Funny story – day before the event my Dad casually asks me: do you have any lacrosse balls? Which instantly triggers an oh sh*&t moment.

As I’m getting ready to drive to the sporting goods store I get an email from Coach Dayton –

What a savior! Coach Dayton showed up with 2 buckets of balls and also helped shoot on and coach the girl goalies that showed up.

We had a great time out there and the little goalies learned a ton!

I interviewed 2 of the youth goalies from the clinic – Robert Colin Cabauatan and Troy Conte.

Giving Back to the Lacrosse Community

In my online business I’ve had some winners and some flops. Luckily more of the former though! And that’s put me in position to be able to give back to the lacrosse and more specifically the lacrosse goalie community.

Between buying gear to giveaway, paying out college goalies and other coaches, hiring sideline videographers and editors, and donating a large chunk of change to a cause near and dear to Tillman Johnson’s heart – we’re talking multiple 5 figures. I think that’s pretty cool.

I also believe the  Lacrosse Goalie Summits are a way of giving back too. Sure its a profit event for my business but there are tons of young goalies who show up to every single live session (free of charge) or catch a free replay later that night and learn a ton without giving me a dime – and I love that!

Giving back to the lacrosse community is a huge part of our culture and it’s something that’s important to me.

Consistently Published Content

If you want to be great, you’ve got to show up and do the work!

One achievement in my 2022 was just how consistent we were with publishing (great?) content. Huge thanks to Evan from Team Lax Goalie Rat as he was working with me the entire year helping to pump out amazing stuff.

Here’s an idea of content I’m talking about –

On 1/7/22 I published episode 124 with Coach Chris Burdick (he later presented at Lacrosse Goalie Summit 7 too!).

On 12/29/22, I published episode 186 with North Carolina commit class of ’24 goalie Luke Arrighi.

62 episodes in one year!

I also sent out a Friday newsletter every single week and published a ton of content to my Instagram, YouTube, and the blog.

So those were the main highlights of 2022! Now let’s take a look at some of my goals for Lax Goalie Rat for 2023.

Double the Business Revenue

As I mentioned I went full time with Lax Goalie Rat at the end of 2020. Kind of scary time coming off a pandemic but I felt like I had so much wind in my sails. It was time to make the leap.

In 2023 I have a goal to double the business revenue. It’s a lofty goal for sure. But I do think its achievable.

On its surface this goal seems very much about me, but it isn’t.

I created Lax Goalie Rat because lacrosse goalies and coaching are my passions. Doubling the business revenue will allow me to help the lacrosse goalie community in ways that were never possible before.

Earlier I talked about giving back to the community, doubling the revenue of the business means I can double this number too.

It means double the number of goalies I can reach and it means double the amount of impact I can have on goalies who already follow what I do.

It also means I can sponsor more goalies too. So many goalies wrote me wanting a sponsorship and unfortunately I had to turn them away.

Lax Goalie Rat Summer Clinic Tour

This an idea I’ve had in my head for awhile and Summer 2023 is when its going to happen.

I’m hitting the road. Summer USA 2023 tour!

Going to start in San Diego in July for the men’s World Lacrosse Championships. From there, who knows?

But the idea is to travel around the USA to meet coaches and goalies that I know to host clinics in different cities.

Where should I go? If we can get a decent turnout in any city, it’s a possibility!

Spend More Time Inside the Lax Goalie Gat Academy

One of the first video training products I created was the Lax Goalie Rat Academy.

I took the iPhone out to the field and recorded hours and hours of tutorials. Techniques, drills, tips, situations, etc.

Then I grabbed the white board and did a bunch of classroom sessions on mental game and lacrosse defense and terminology.

I hired a bunch of stick stringers to make some tutorials on how to lace up wands.

I was super proud of the results but in the last 2 years I haven’t put much else into the Academy.

My goal this year is to really grow the Academy and help a ton of goalies who are in there. More announcements coming soon but I’ll be doing some form of live sessions exclusively for Academy members every week.

I’ll even invite some special guests to give exclusive coaching as well. Going to be a ton of fun.

Spend Less Time On Instagram

If I’m spending more time on the Academy, that means I need to spend less time elsewhere.

That elsewhere is creating Instagram content.

Don’t worry Lax Goalie Rat will still be pumping those tasty saves and nice drills.

But I gotta find someone to do this for me. I’m spending too much time on it.

Hire More Team Members

In 2023 I’d like to build up team Lax Goalie Rat. Right now its just myself and (part-time) Evan with the summer interns helping occasionally.

Coach / Sales 

I have some amazing lacrosse goalie training products and for the most part they just sit on the shelf. I envision this role working with the goalies and goalie Moms/Dads in my community to help them out.

The idea would be a free coaching call where you help them in any way you can. And at the end of that, if there’s a Lax Goalie Rat product that would greatly benefit their game, pitch it.

Short Form Video Editor 

Between all the podcasts and Lacrosse Goalie Summits, I have an insane amount of video content.

I’d love to have someone who can comb through this content, pick out the really impactful moments and create short form videos (reels/TikTok/YouTube short).

Will be announcing any open positions first to my email list, so get signed up there if either of these roles intrigue you.

Box Lacrosse Goalie Training Course with Brett Dobson

Dobbers was one of the goalies I sponsored during the 2021 season while he was St. Bonaventure. He lit it up! 2nd team All-American and the 1st goalie taken in the draft (PLL Archers).

He’s also a very skilled box goalie with the Georgia Swarm.

When you look at the landscape of online box lacrosse goalie coaching, there is VERY little.

Dobson is a great coach and a great guy and this is a great opportunity to reach a lot of youth box goalies with an awesome coaching.

Not sure when and what this course will look like just yet but it’s something I want to do in 2023.


In 2023, I want to continue –

  • 3 Lacrosse Goalie Summits – March, July, December
  • College Goalie Training Packs – August/Sept
  • Podcast – not sure if 1 per week is sustainable but at a min. lets say 2 per month.
  • Save Edits and Social Media content – as I mentioned, I won’t be creating this but it will be a part of the 2023 plan.

That’s all I can think of for now. One thing I’m sure of is that opportunities will arise during the year that will require a quick change of focus.

If you read this far, appreciate you beyond what you know! Wishing all the goalies a prosperous 2023!

Coach Damon

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P.S. - Whenever you're ready, here are 3 ways I can help you:

1. Lax Goalie Rat Academy - The Lax Goalie Rat Academy is a premier membership program that gives you the tools and skillset to level up your goalie game. Technique, drills, mental game, lacrosse IQ and direct coaching from Coach Damon to turn your goalie into a leader and a confident save machine. Join 400+ goalies inside.

2. Lacrosse Goalie Super Mom/Dad - Some call lacrosse goalie the hardest position in sports. That's not true. It's the goalie Mom or Dad. I put together this course specially for the parents who know nothing about lacrosse but still want to help their son or daughter be the best they can be. Learn how to train them but more importantly learn how to support them on this emotional rollercoaster.

3. Promote yourself to 11,000+ subscribers by sponsoring my newsletter.

3 thoughts on “2022 Year In Review + 2023 Plans

  1. Hey I’ve just recently started playing goalie and I love everything you do. Thanks to you I’m now a 7th grader and my high schools job lacrosse team. Go goalies!!! Also, I’ve been trying to find a shooting string combo that works for me. Do you think 2 loose cottons and a tight nylon above will work. I’m going to do them starting to diamonds down and one diamond in between. They’ll all be straight across and the nylon will be weaves and the cottons barreled. Do you think that will work? I also feel like I have way to much whip so I think this will help. Lmk your thoughts.

  2. Hey I’ve just recently started playing goalie and I love everything you do. Thanks to you I’m now a 7th grader and my high schools job lacrosse team. Go goalies!!! Also, I’ve been trying to find a shooting string combo that works for me. Do you think 2 loose cottons and a tight nylon above will work. I’m going to do them starting to diamonds down and one diamond in between. They’ll all be straight across and the nylon will be weaves and the cottons barreled. Do you think that will work? I also feel like I have way to much whip so I think this will help. Lmk your thoughts.

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