Personal Trainer Coach Rob from Happy Sweaty Life on Goalie Fitness - LGR Episode 62 | Lax Goalie Rat

Personal Trainer Coach Rob from Happy Sweaty Life on Goalie Fitness – LGR Episode 62


Lax Goalie Rat’s adopted strength and condition coach Coach Rob Muniz from Happy Sweaty Life joins the podcast this week.

You may remember Coach Rob from several guest posts on the training:

He’s also appeared on the my Instagram feed a bunch of times:

Rob is my brother-in-law so we’ve spent many a family vacation chatting about training, sports, and the human body so I wanted to get him on the podcast to share that knowledge with all you.

Hope you enjoy this conversation about training, the human body, mental toughness, and overcoming injuries.

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💧@happysweatylife• . ☆DYNAMIC STRETCHING☆ . Dynamic stretching preps the joints for mobility and actively stretches the muscles — a great combination for performance enhancement and injury prevention! Going through a solid series of dynamic movements will increase the body temp and allow you to safely and effectively start your workout with a good sweat! . I will continue to share movements I like to include during my dynamic stretching routines as they’re constantly changing. . The movement above ⬆️ ⬆️ is one of the toe touch variations I like. This will help to warm up and stretch the hamstrings and IT bands together!! . As you reach down and across your body towards your foot, sit your hips back for counterbalance. As a bonus, you will notice how this movement also helps with balance and stability. Control is the key, take your time. Breathe. . #happysweatylife #personaltrainers #correctiveexercise #sonomacounty #efficiency #dynamic #stretch #STABILIZE #balance #breathe #hamstrings #strengthenandlengthen #mobility #flexibility #ITbands #stability #movement #toetouches #warmup #dynamicstretching #preparation #bodytemp #sweat #core #performanceenhancement #CES #INJURYPREVENTION #trainwithconfidence #takecareofthemachine #breathe @nike

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💧@happysweatylife• . 💥NO EXCUSES MONDAY💥 . I’m introducing NO EXCUSES MONDAY to help others get past some of the “road blocks” that delay progress and keep us from reaching our goals– We’ve all been there. Monday is a common day selected by many to get everything moving, so I couldn’t think of a better day to talk about eliminating some of these barriers. . 💥EXCUSE #1: I want to workout at home, but I don’t have enough space for equipment. . ➡️ There are plenty of exercises that can be done in a small space that don’t require much, if any, equipment at all. Here are few ideas to get started. For this circuit, I chose to use a small resistance band, which can be found just about anywhere online. Let’s kick this year off with some consistency. There’s always room to build up the intensity, trust me. 😎 . 1) 20 lateral steps (each leg) 2) 20 squats 3) 20 push-ups 4) 20 high-plank scissors 5) 20 overhead raises . Find a rep count that works for you. Complete 3-5 rounds of this circuit. Hope this helps!! Your feedback is always welcomed. Train with confidence. . . #happysweatylife #personaltrainers #correctiveexercise #CES #sonomacounty #NOEXCUSEMONDAYS #happynewyear #fullbodycircuit #getmoving #resistanceband #squats #pushups #legs #arms #core #limitedspace #limitedequipment #consistency #eliminatebarriers #eliminateexcuses #stability #intensity #form #trainwithconfidence #injuryprevention #performanceenhancement #takecareofthemachine #sweatlife #community

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💧@happysweatylife• . ☆OFFSEASON WORK☆ . Good friend and baseball player, Cam, has been coming to the studio for some offseason work. Our overall goal is to build more shoulder stability, ROM, and increase rotational mobility of the torso.–All of this while staying strong and athletic. In our most recent session, we worked on balance & stability, rear deltoid activation, and of course got that core work. We will continue to push the pace. . Shown above are a few of the exercises that helped get the job done!! I’m looking forward to the progress ahead as the program moves forward. Thank you @fire_itt_up for your hard work!! . °Rubberband overhead raises (lateral anchor) . °Chest supported “Y’s” . °Rubberband reverse flys . . . #happysweatylife #personaltrainers #correctiveexercise #CES #injuryprevention #performanceenhancement #baseball #sonomacounty #ROM #rangeofmotion #balance #core #reardeltoids #rubberbands #takecareofthemachine #athleticism #stability #rosebudbaseball #settingthetone #strengthenandlengthen #activation #shoulders #OFFSEASON #workout #work #progress #letsgo

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💧@happysweatylife • . ☆UPPER BACK TENSION☆ . As the holiday season winds down, the long car rides and spending more time sitting has started catching up to me. I definitely feel some tension in my upper back–more particularly along the thoracic spinal region. Prolonged discomfort or weakness to this area will bring the head forward, round the shoulders and ultimately diminish posture. Additionally, these imbalances will round the back and progressively reduce mobility in the thoracic spinal region–increasing the risk for injury. . Above ⬆️ ⬆️ I have provided some of movements I chose to alleviate tension and increase circulation. I felt the relief almost immediately as my body became increasingly warm. Great way to get my day started! Slow and steady is key, especially if you have taken a few days away from exercise. Take care of the machine. . . #happysweatylife #personaltrainers #correctiveexercise #CES #injuryprevention #performanceenhancement #sonomacounty #thoracicmobility #spine #ROM #rotation #routine #back #mobility #movement #tension #upperback #posture #circulation #imbalances #holidayseason #carrides #sitting #slowandsteady #takecareofthemachine #exercise #exerciseselection #sweat #sweatlife

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P.S. - Whenever you're ready, here are 3 ways I can help you:

1. Lax Goalie Rat Academy - The Lax Goalie Rat Academy is a premier membership program that gives you the tools and skillset to level up your goalie game. Technique, drills, mental game, lacrosse IQ and direct coaching from Coach Damon to turn your goalie into a leader and a confident save machine. Join 400+ goalies inside.

2. Lacrosse Goalie Super Mom/Dad - Some call lacrosse goalie the hardest position in sports. That's not true. It's the goalie Mom or Dad. I put together this course specially for the parents who know nothing about lacrosse but still want to help their son or daughter be the best they can be. Learn how to train them but more importantly learn how to support them on this emotional rollercoaster.

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