Odor Elimination: Odor Klenz Sport Product Review | Lax Goalie Rat

Odor Elimination: Odor Klenz Sport Product Review

Ok, so if you a fan of this blog you probably already know *that* stench!

15 years after my college days I throw on the pads to show the youngsters how it’s done and my gear still reeks of that stench.

It’s so distinct and so vile. It’s the smell of used and sweaty lacrosse gear.

It’s a frothy combination of humidity, sweat, and who knows what other lifeforms.

So when Odor Klenz sent me a few of their products to review, I was very eager to give them a try because even years after my prime, my lacrosse gear still carries the same stench.

Now this putrid odor may not bother you personally but believe me, your parents can’t stand it.

Also when you start sharing a small space with another person known as a college dorm room, you better do something about that smell. Or else you’ll forever be labeled the “smelly one”.

In this post, I’ll review a few products that could help you remove that stench quickly.

If you end up trying these products, use coupon code “LAX15” for a 15% discount at checkout!

Odor Klenz Odor Eliminating Powder

OdorKlenz Laundry Powder


OdorKlenz offers a sport powder that is aimed to reduce the odor emanating from equipment such as cleats, helmets, and gloves. The powder is sprinkled on and into the smelly lacrosse gear and helps to eliminate the stench.


To test out this powder I poured it into the following:

  • Two Pairs of Cleats
  • Two Pairs of Gloves
  • Two Jock Straps w/cup
  • Helmet
  • Chest Pad

The test was simple. I applied the powder to the equipment and checked up on it 12 hours later. Then over the course of 5 days I wanted to see how the freshness of the gear held up through practices and workout sessions.


The initial 12-hour period was great! When I inspected the equipment, I already noticed a much better difference in smell. Nothing was profusely jumping out at me as a stench, which is always a good sign.

Many cleaning or odor-reducing products do very well in the first day. So it was no surprise the OdorKlenz product left my gear smelling fresh.

I practiced the next day and it was about 94 degrees out, so needless to say, I sweated a bunch. My pads still had that fresh smell that I had smelt when I initially let them sit for 12-hours.

Eventually, when I hit the 5-day mark, I was pleased to smell that my pads, nor my cleats or gloves had an odor!

The original fresh smell that hit me on the first day from the powder had faded noticeably, but a good scent remanence was certainly still there, and my pads had no real stench to them.


Just a quick note about the application. You DO NOT need to soak your pads, gloves, or cleats in the powder.

In fact, just a quick drizzle over the applicable area should do the trick, otherwise, you’ll be shaking out powder for quite some time.


Overall, I thought the OdorKlenz odor-eliminator powder did a great job of doing exactly what it should. Eliminating bad smells, and keep them from sprouting! I’d recommend it for those trying to get the funk out of their pads.

Check out the product here – Odor Klenz Powder

OdorKlenz Odor Eliminating Release Bag


The main idea behind the odor-eliminating release bag is to tuck inside a gear bag or backpack, with items that may build up odor, such as cleats, helmets, gloves, clothing, etc…and eliminate any odor that may arise.

I’ll be honest, the longevity of products is what always seems to disappoint me, and I’ve used quite a bit of similar items, for either my gear bag, or my own gym bag as well. I was excited to test out what OdorKlenz could do for my gear bag, so I put it to the test.

Because let’s just say over the years this bag has accumulated some odors:

Items for Goalie Bag


The testing here was easy and simple as well, all I had to do was just stick the release bag inside my gear bag and wait. A couple of notes here early is that since the bag contains a powder, I really feel like this will help in terms of longevity for it, as well as the bag itself being a pretty good size.

Now, this was the first product I tested out of the three they sent over. This means that even without all of my gear inside, my gear bag itself had a foul, foul odor to it, possibly even worse than my pads, considering how much it has absorbed.

I tucked the release bag inside of a corner of my gear-bag and let it sit. Over a 12-hour period, similar to the odor-eliminating powder, I noticed a fresh scent right away once I re-opened the bag.

I feel like I could still detect a bit of odor still though, so I waited until that evening, to give it around a 24-hour time period of sitting in the bag.

After coming back, that odor scent seemed to have disappeared for the most part and my gear bag was actually smelling fresh for once!


Overall, OdorKlenz has put great quality inside their odor-eliminating products and it certainly shows. I’d recommend their release bag to just about any athlete, no matter the sport that has either a gear bag or gym bag that could use some refreshment.

Also, as a quick note here, you can also store these in your locker as well, just in case you keep your gear in there during the season as well, or any other smaller spaces you may store your equipment.

Check out this product here – OdorKlenz Sport Release Bag. Use coupon code “LAX15” for a 15% discount at checkout!

OdorKlenz Odor Eliminating Laundry Additive


The main point of the laundry additive is pretty simple, to remove odor from workout/athletic clothing in the washer! All you have to do is simply add the laundry additive pack to your usual detergent.

Just a fair warning here, this additive cannot be used with bleach. So if you plan to eliminate odors in whites, make sure not to add bleach on this particular load. Also, for use, make sure to use one packet for each packet.

As a quick side note as well, this is meant for clothing, but I also know that gloves, chest pads, and cleats can be used in the washer, so I’d also say this product would do just fine on those, although I did not test that.


Again, testing out this product wasn’t all too much of a challenge. I simply added a batch of all my workout clothes, clothes from my lax bag, and even knee sleeves that I wear in the cage to the mix, (their stench was pretty rough), and boom, I started the cycle.

Once they were done in the washer, the clothes had a great, fresh-scent smell to them, but I wanted to see if that stayed throughout the drying process.

Sure enough, once all the clothes were good and dry, they smelled fantastic! The knee sleeves and clothes, such as penny’s, from my lax bag smelled by far the worst, and they came out smelling fresh as can be.

The stench of the freshness isn’t anything overbearing or that will stick out noticeably but will remind yourself, and your teammates, that you aren’t the one fuming out the locker room.

Check out this product here – Odor Klenz Laundry Additive. Use coupon code “LAX15” for a 15% discount at checkout!

Final Word

Overall, if you’re looking for a great addition to add to your washing load to get rid of the stench that can sometimes linger, even after a full washing load.

Trust me, I can remember many times that even after going through a full load, some of my clothes that I wore during games and/or practices would still have a slight odor to them, that can stick out pretty bad.

So, if you’re having the same issue as I did, then I would recommend this product to you, or if you’re even just looking to add a little more freshness to your clothes.

Conclusion + Discount Code  

Any parent or goalie who has dealt with sweaty lacrosse gear knows what I mean when I say that stench.

There is really nothing like it. And it’s almost indescribable except to say it’s uniquely horrible.

If you’re looking to get rid of that stench, try out these OdorKlenz products. Whether the sports powder, the odor release bag, or the laundry additive.

Each product will help you from becoming the “smelly one”.  Trust me, you don’t want to be the smelly one.

Use coupon code “LAX15” for a 15% discount at checkout!

Until next time! Coach Damon

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4 thoughts on “Odor Elimination: Odor Klenz Sport Product Review

  1. My daughter calls the stench GRIT…. this is how I feel driving home after a Hot long weekend watching games and having to smell her goalie gear on the car ride home

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