The MLL Pros and Their Goalie Stick Setups | Lax Goalie Rat

The MLL Pros and Their Goalie Stick Setups

MLL Pro Goalies and Their Sticks

With the large variety of goalie heads, goalie shafts, and goalie mesh on the market today, the possibilities for a goalie stick set-up are near endless.

When you factor in the varying tape jobs and shafts lengths, the amount of possible stick setups grows even further.

But what do the pros use?

Each pro team is surely sponsored by one of the major lacrosse equipment companies – Brine, STX, Warrior, and thus the goalies get their free pick of the gear offered by that manufacturer.

But even within manufacturers there are several great pieces of equipment and its not always the case that every goalie picks the same. A lacrosse goalie is as unique as his/her gear.

Let’s have a look at a bunch of different current and ex-MLL goalies and their goalie stick setup.

Adam Ghitelman – Atlanta Blaze

Edit: Updated 1/25/17. Updated Adam Ghitelman’s stick setup with his current. Kept the old setup below for those interested.

AdamGhitelmanStick AdamGhitelmanStickSetup

Lacrosse Goalie Adam Ghitelman Lacrosse Goalie Adam Ghitelman

Drew Adams – New York Lizards

Drew Adams Lacrosse goalie Lacrosse Goalie Drew Adams

A funny note here is that Drew Adams actually helped Maverik lacrosse create the Maverik Base / Maverik Base 2 goalie head. I guess he’s not a fan of his own work since he uses the Warrior Nemesis 2 as his gamer.

Tyler Fiorito – Boston Cannons

Edit: 1/29/2017 Updated Tyler Fiorito’s stick to his latest setup. He switched to the Brine Eraser 2 strung up with 12D Hero Mesh. I kept old setup down below.


Lacrosse Goalie Tyler Fiorito Lax Goalie Tyler Fiorito

Johnny Rodriguez – Denver Outlaws

Edit: 5/6/2017 Updated JRod’s stick setup. Kept his old one in place. He’s on the Blaze now too.

Johnny Rodriguez MLL Johnny Rodriguez Goalie Gear

Brian Phipps – Chesapeake Bayhawks

Brian Phipps Lacrosse Goalie Lacrosse Goalie Brian Phipps

Jordan Burke – Boston Cannons

Edit: Jordan Burke retired from the MLL on January 29th, 2016.

Jordan Burke Lacrosse Goalie Lacrosse Goalie Jordan Burke

John Galloway – Rochester Rattlers

Lacrosse Goalie John Galloway Lax Goalie John Galloway

Brett Queener – Florida Launch

Brett Queener Lacrosse Goalie Brett Queener Lacrosse Goalie

Pierce Bassett – Charlotte Hounds

Pierce Bassett Lacrosse Goalie Pierce Bassett

Jesse Schwartzman – Denver Outlaws

Edit: Jesse Schwartzman retired from the MLL late 2015.

Lacrosse Goalie Jesse Schwartzman Lax Goalie Jesse Schwartzman

Scott Rodgers – Ohio Machine

Scotty Rodgers GoalieScott Rodgers Goalie Stick

Austin Kaut – Florida Launch

Austin Kaut Goalie Stick Kaut Goalie Stick

Dillon Ward – Denver Outlaws

Dillon Ward Goalie Stick Dillon Ward Stick Setup

Charlie Cipriano – Charlotte Hounds

Charlie Cipriano MLL Goalie Charlie Cipriano Stick Setup

In the photos I have of Charlie Cipriano he’s using the setup I list above however Charlie’s cousin emailed me personally to let me know this is actually the current setup he uses:

Jack Kelly – Denver Outlaws

Jack Kelly MLL Goalie


As you can see with just 13 different MLL goalies, we have 13 unique stick combinations.

As it turns out most pros prefer a shorter shaft length which keeps the stick nice and light for making saves.

Just over half, 7 out of 13, of these goalies use the Warrior Nemesis 2 as their head of choice. Due to the high velocity shots in the MLL these goalies prefer the stiffness of that head vs. the flexibility of other models. When a ball strikes the top of the Warrior Nemesis 2 the ball won’t bend the head and still go into the goal.

The number of ways you can setup your stick are endless so what’s important is that you find what works for you.

And also what’s in your price range, since you’re paying for these items unlike the pro’s who are sponsored by the lacrosse equipment companies.

Until next time! Coach Damon

What stick setup do you use? Let me know in the comments. 

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19 thoughts on “The MLL Pros and Their Goalie Stick Setups

    1. Thanks for the suggestion. I added Charlie Cipriano. I could only find some older photos of him when he was on the Outlaws. We’ll see if he switches up his stick setup this year when he plays for the Hounds.

  1. Haha Charlie Cip is my cousin. I can help you with that stick setup changes if you would like I see him all the time

    1. Awesome! Thanks Danny. Definitely would be into that! Next time you see him ask if he’d be cool with me interviewing him for the blog. I’m sure he’s pretty busy so its a long shot but I thought I’d throw it out there to see if it was possible. D

  2. most are of you should check current photos and listen to suggestions like austin is off scott roders, ghitelman etc… i think cipriano is the only accurate one

  3. I’m surprised someone used the Maverick base in the pros. I got that head and it just felt awkward, reminded me a lot of the Warrior Zoo I used first starting out. Personally I like the Shield on an attack length Maverick WonderBoy strung with ECD Hero 12D

    1. I doubt they use the Base anymore. I’ve heard nothing but bad things about that head. You like the Shield? Felt too heavy for me. I’m an Eclipse guy (and now an Eclipse II guy).

  4. Ghitelman uses an eclipse II now. Not sure on John Galloway as I believe he said he preferred the flexibility of the eclipse.

  5. You should do an updated posts of this with all the new goalies in the MLL and the NCAA. It would be interesting to see how many older goalies have switched over to the Eclipse 2. `

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