A September 1 Message to the Class of 2023 | Lax Goalie Rat

A September 1 Message to the Class of 2023

Today is September 1, 2021. Which means if you’re a junior (Class of 2023), Division I college coaches can start actively recruiting you.

It’s a big day for a lot of goalies. But it can also be a very stressful day.

Here’s what Jack Webb (commit to Johns Hopkins) had to say about his experience on September 1st:

As you see pics on Instagram and hear stories of your teammates getting calls from coaches it can be a very tough mental situation if you’re not getting the attention. What are some tips to deal with that?

For today’s post I wanted to the experience, tips, and advice of a 2022 goalie, Avery Gaw, who went through this process last year.

Here is her message to the goalie class of 2023. I’ve added some of my own comments underneath of her tips.

Enter Avery Gaw

Hello 2023 goalies and parents! Happy September 1st!

I wanted take a second to just share some stuff that I wish someone had told me a year ago.

I am a 2022 who is very happy with my final decision, but still, would have been nice to hear.

It is much more stress inducing than I was expecting

I am a very nervous/over thinker type of person. I had a lot of pressure from my parents during the recruiting process and that was the perfect storm for a lot of stress.

To help with this if you get a little anxious is to just remember that everything really will workout how it is supposed to.

I know that is very cheesy and much easier said than done, but it’s true.

Coach Damon comment – Everything will work out how it supposed to. Couldn’t agree more and its a message I’ve heard from a lot of college goalies who tell their recruiting story on the podcast.

You may have your heart set on one particular school but at the end of the day it may not have been a good fit. Or maybe it would have been a good fit but you can have an even better college experience at another spot. It all works out.

Write EVERYTHING down when on calls with coaches/gathering information about school or team

When I say everything, I mean everything.

First impressions, anything scholarship related, the answers to any questions you asked, and just about anything that perks your ears up.

I had printed out a couple sets of questions that I knew I needed to ask every school with a place to write the answers in, and I filled up nearly every section and wrote in the margins for most schools.

I did this because I needed to then relay information to my mom and dad, and I wanted to make sure that they heard everything I did.

It is also helpful to look back at this information yourself, since you might not be ready to even think about making a decision until months down the road, which brings me to my next point.

Coach Damon comment – In many ways a college recruiting call is just like a job interview. Don’t come to a job interview unprepared. Do your research, have a set of good questions you know you want to ask. And like Avery said, take notes.

Your timeline should not be determined by anyone else

After the first commitment in my class (which happened in about 3 days if I was correct) I immediately began thinking that my processes were going too slow.

At that point I had not even been contacted by a final 3 school for me.

I got spooked by this again when some of the schools I was talking to, contacted me and said that their goalie spot had been filled, and that they would not be taking another.

It is not a race, and you need to take the amount of time needed to make a solid decision.

Coach Damon comment – It’s so easy to compare yourself to others. Don’t do it. It’s a recipe to feel horrible.

Be open-minded

I really had a clear cut top 2 schools going into the process, and neither of those schools where ever interested in me, and the school I am committed to was not even on my radar.

You do not have as much information right now that you think you may have.

I needed to talk and get to know coaches, hear about the schools academics, learn about the team and their culture to figure out that there was a school that worked really well for me.

Coach Damon comment – 90% of the college goalies I speak with start their recruiting story off by saying – “My recruiting story is a really weird one…” Look the recruiting process is weird for most and like Avery said if you bring an open mind into this process, it will serve you well. Opportunities will come out of nowhere.

Be respectful of the coaches you talk with

Do not ghost any coaches, do not have an attitude with any coaches, and do not get on your high horse when talking to a coach of a lower ranked school if you have been chatting with top schools.

It is not a good look, and will only burn bridges that do not need to be burned. Just be who you are, and show respect to these people. Stay open and honest with every coach.

Just be a good person and you will have no issues.

Coach Damon comment – That’s just good life advice right there.

I am wishing everyone luck! If you need to talk to someone who has been through the process, feel free to PM me! I know everyone will do great and end up where they need to be.

Congratulations, and enjoy these moments!!!!

Back to Coach Damon

Thanks so much to Avery for writing this up.

Very helpful advice to goalies, and also their parents, on this important day in the D1 college recruiting process – September 1.

Here are Avery’s tips again:

  1. It is more stress inducing than you think, but remember it will all work out
  2. Write down everything and prepare questions for coaches
  3. Your timeline is unique to you, don’t compare yourself to other goalies
  4. Be Open Minded
  5. Be Respectful

Good luck to all the goalies of the Class of 2023!

Coach Damon

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P.S. - Whenever you're ready, here are 3 ways I can help you:

1. Lax Goalie Rat Academy - The Lax Goalie Rat Academy is a premier membership program that gives you the tools and skillset to level up your goalie game. Technique, drills, mental game, lacrosse IQ and direct coaching from Coach Damon to turn your goalie into a leader and a confident save machine. Join 400+ goalies inside.

2. Lacrosse Goalie Super Mom/Dad - Some call lacrosse goalie the hardest position in sports. That's not true. It's the goalie Mom or Dad. I put together this course specially for the parents who know nothing about lacrosse but still want to help their son or daughter be the best they can be. Learn how to train them but more importantly learn how to support them on this emotional rollercoaster.

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